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Automating Work and increasing productivity: A guide for business owners to work with AI freelancers
By OpenTaskAI profile image OpenTaskAI
4 min read

Automating Work and increasing productivity: A guide for business owners to work with AI freelancers

Artificial intelligence is the new technological power that modern business owners who want to improve their business productivity and cut costs should adopt. A 2023 survey shows that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have assumed a pivotal role in automation within industries, with 80 percent of the respondents

Artificial intelligence is the new technological power that modern business owners who want to improve their business productivity and cut costs should adopt. A 2023 survey shows that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have assumed a pivotal role in automation within industries, with 80 percent of the respondents having deployed or adopted these technologies. 

AI automation handles practically any task for companies across various sectors, from manufacturing to healthcare, transportation, finance, and many more. This allows them to edge over competitors and carry out operations faster and more seamlessly. 

Automating your business operations as a business owner requires working with skilled AI freelancers. A good AI freelancer should understand the problems being faced in your business and how they can integrate AI to solve or automate them. While getting a good AI freelancer is hard, knowing how to collaborate with them for business productivity is another crucial factor. This is what this article aims to address. 

This article will take you through everything you need to know about working with AI freelancers for business success and improved productivity. Let’s get into it!

Who are AI freelancers?

AI freelancers are people who use large artificial intelligence models to offer business services remotely. They remotely provide AI services to business owners through freelancing websites and platforms. Their work may include automating your company’s operations, developing websites, designing graphics, and generating web content. The main difference from conventional freelancers is that they perform these tasks using artificial intelligence.Hiring AI freelancers for your business operations will help increase productivity, save money, and allow you to complete your tasks quickly. To get these advantages from AI, you can delegate repetitive or time-consuming tasks to AI freelancers. 

Limitations of AI Freelancers

AI is akin to a virtual assistant capable of handling practically any task to aid your business operations. However, some tasks are not suited for this technology. This happens as a result of some AI limitations. Thus, deploying AI to manage such tasks may adversely affect the operations of your business. Some of these limitations include:

  • Lack of human understanding: Some tasks require intellectual input, and the absence of human-like understanding, intuition, or common sense makes them too advanced for AI to handle.
  • Decision-making limitation: AI may struggle to decide on some tasks or issues that involve ethical or moral implications.
  • Hallucination: Artificial artificial intelligence models sometimes generate inaccurate content or result in responses to users’ requests. This may also include creating fake scenarios or examples when responding to users.

Given these limitations, you should analyze your business workflow and identify the areas of your business where artificial intelligence can be integrated before outsourcing them to AI freelancers. Tasks such as writing, scheduling, invoicing, data entry, and data analysis can be delegated to AI freelancers, and humans should handle tasks that require complex human problem-solving and decision-making skills.

Finding and Hiring AI Freelancers

One of the factors that will play a crucial role in automating your business operations is finding the right AI freelancers for your task. It is now easy to find skilled AI freelancers through online platforms and marketplaces that match business owners with various AI freelancers. Platforms like OpentaskAI gives you access to different AI freelancers, allowing you to hire the best freelancer for your project.

You can find an AI freelancer on this global talent marketplace by registering as a buyer and connecting with your desired seller on the platform.

Depending on the task you want to delegate to the AI freelancer, it is important to evaluate the skills and capabilities of AI freelancers before hiring them and ensure they have the required skills to complete your task. You can do this by assessing their portfolio or examining their expertise through interviews.

You should communicate about your project and make the AI freelancer understand how their expertise and results are significant to your business growth. Also, provide all the necessary resources and information required for them to handle your task successfully. 

Maximizing Productivity with AI Freelancers

It is important to understand the factors that must be in place to achieve your desired results from AI freelancers. Some of these factors are:

Set clear goals and expectations: Before employing an AI freelancer, establish your goals and the result you expect from the task. Give specific directions, guidelines, and performance metrics. Setting these goals and expectations ahead of time will allow the AI freelancer to deliver an excellent result that will drive your business's success.

Automate low-value tasks: Identify your business's high-value strategic tasks. Tasks requiring human intellectual ability include complex problem-solving, critical analysis, and decision-making. Hiring AI freelancers to manage these tasks may be counter-productive from a business perspective. As a result, it is recommended that only low-value tasks be automated because they have little impact on your company.

Communicate effectively: When working with an AI freelancer, you should ensure clear and effective communication about the project. This involves ensuring that AI freelancers understand the requirements and expectations of the tasks. Always provide all the necessary information and details they need to function. This will allow freelancers to provide an output that meets your business demands, thereby driving business success.

Monitor continuously: Always monitor the AI freelancer's performance against predefined metrics and benchmarks. Evaluate its accuracy, efficiency, and overall effectiveness for business success. If the performance is not meeting the predefined expectations, identify the root cause and make the necessary adjustments.

Automating business operations through AI freelancers is important for improved productivity and decreased operational costs. It will allow you to get input quickly while staying ahead of your business competitors in today’s competitive business landscape.

However, one of the main problems often faced by business owners is finding skilled AI freelancers who can provide the desired results. This is why platforms like OpenTaskAI are making it easy for you. We take pride in providing a platform where business owners are matched to vetted AI freelancers for effective collaboration and eventual business success.


By OpenTaskAI profile image OpenTaskAI
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